From: Shawn T. Rutledge <ecloud_at_bigfoot.com>
Date: Wed Apr 18 15:43:35 2001

On Wed, Apr 18, 2001 at 05:19:14PM -0400, James B. DiGriz wrote:
> I remember doing this in the '70s and '80s, staying on the modem
> all night, which may partially account for the length of time it took to
> get my degree. It's the school's fault, though. I got into this habit from
> checking into the terminal room at night because there weren't enough
> seats to go around during the day, plus you didn't have to give up yours
> as soon as your assignment was done. Habit is still with me to this day.
> Yes, I have a life, dammit :-) And I'm up at 7 am, too.

Yeah I always check email first thing in the morning, right after I
stagger out of bed; and last thing at night. But now I have a good reason
because Irina's been sending me 3 emails a day; the one I get from her
when I get up is the one she sends right after work that day. But I
don't know how you guys can get up so early and stay up so late too.
I might as well be dead with less than 8 hours sleep. But as soon as
I wake up the first time and start thinking "oh, I bet I have an email
from Ira" I can't sleep after that, I gotta get up and go read it.
But soon I will set up a terminal in the bedroom, so then maybe I can
read it without getting up. What a life... everybody should have as
much fun and be as happy as I am now.

This piece of news has been about the best all year, I think:


"...he also slammed early rising -- getting up too soon leaves people
stressed for the whole the day, he said."

  _______                   Shawn T. Rutledge / KB7PWD  ecloud_at_bigfoot.com
 (_  | |_)          http://www.bigfoot.com/~ecloud  kb7pwd_at_kb7pwd.ampr.org
 __) | | \________________________________________________________________
Received on Wed Apr 18 2001 - 15:43:35 BST

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