Computer Parts Barn
16 London Rd.
Asheville, NC, U.S.A 28803
Give Ed Kirby a call at the above number. He has several RT machines and
cal likely provide the drives and other parts you may need/want.
In <003d01c0c8c6$c96da5e0$116b0180_at_papa>, on 04/19/01
at 10:12 AM, "Fabio Papa \(MCE\)" <> said:
>Hi all,
>we are in desperate need of at least one (or more if possible) disk for
>an IBM RT-PC model 6150/6151. 115Mb or 310Mb models only, because of
>software space requisites. If you know where I can find some, please
>reply to this message.
>Thanks in advance!
>-<Attachment #1, unnamed (802 bytes), text/html 7bit>-
Jeffrey S. Worley
Complete Computer Services, Inc.
30 Greenwood Rd.
Asheville, NC 28803
Visit our website at HTTP://
Received on Thu Apr 19 2001 - 09:12:18 BST