Looks the same as any other pdp 8/e to me (except mine, which was made in
Ireland and not maynard massachusetts). So, what boards, cables, etc are
included? Is it in working condition? Are al panel lights operational?
What spares and manuals are included? Does it have both omnibus busses? etc?
-Lawrence LeMay
> Get your bids in early on this one. Its a rare Adaptec PDP-8e. Back in the 60's DEC licensed their PDP8 architecture to Adaptec to make exact replica's of their now infamous design. Sales were sluggish so they decided to make SCSI interfaces instead.
> Truly one of a kind....
> http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1232453120
> Brian.
> Brian Roth
> Network Services
> First Niagara Bank
> (716) 625-7500 X2186
> Brian.Roth_at_FirstNiagaraBank.com
Received on Mon Apr 23 2001 - 14:47:51 BST