Commodore 8050M disk drive. What's it for?
In a message dated 4/24/2001 6:48:48 AM Pacific Daylight Time, writes:
> I just picked up a Commodore 8050M dual 5 1/4" disk drive with a HP-IB
> interface in a surplus place. Can anyone tell me what system(s) it's made
> to work with?
I have seen them used on newer Pets.
Early Commodores used GPIB for disk drives, printers etc. The 8040 was a huge
Dual DSDD floppy drive, re. weight/mass & storage for the 8 bit days.
It should work on any Commodore with a GPIB port. This was usually traces
brought out to the Circuit card edge for an edge connector to connect with.
Edge connector on one end and GPIB on the other end. I ran across a couple of
those cables a couple of days ago. Prominently marked "Commodore."
Several of the early machines had HPIB or GPIB. Of course the HP 8X series is
the most well known. The Osborne came out with a GPIB port also IIRC.
There was also a 4040 dual SSDD drive.
Received on Tue Apr 24 2001 - 09:41:46 BST
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