Computers for swap or sell

From: steve <>
Date: Tue Apr 24 16:55:03 2001


I have some extra systems, see if there's anything
that you like!

1.Apple IIc with monitor (small green screen)
2.Apple IIc Plus
3.Apple III with Monitor III

4.Macintosh Portable (model 5120)

5.TI-99/4A (black/silver)
6.TI Peripheral Expansion Box (PEB)


8.Timex Sinclair 1000 with 16K memory pack

9.Kaypro II
10.Several Commodore 64 computers (non-working)
11.Several Commodore 1541 floppy drives (working)

12.Amiga 500
13.Amiga 1000
14.Amiga 2000

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Received on Tue Apr 24 2001 - 16:55:03 BST

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