MicroMation system in San Francisco area available.

From: Netdiablo <ndiablo_at_diablonet.net>
Date: Wed Apr 25 16:45:36 2001

             Re: MicroMation
             Wed, 25 Apr 2001 18:02:44 -0700
             Christopher Menke <chrismenke_at_excite.com>

Hi everyone! I was kindly offered this computer system, but it is
out of my range. He said it would be alright if I forwarded it to the
so here goes. Contact address and caveats below.


>I was hoping that Diable might have been the Diablo valley here in the San
>Francisco area. I think these machins would be quite expensive to ship ,as
>each box is 50lbs+ and each terminal is likely 50lbs as well.

>You may forward my offer to whomever, as long as the chrismenke_at_excite.com
>address is used, and you throw a caveat in there that I would not like to
>be contacted regarding anything else.

>As to your Sun stuff, I too am using an IPC as my household server, but I'm
>looking for something to play with on my desktop.


>Christopher Menke wrote:
>> I have a large Micromation computer, which I believe consists of a CPU,
>> 10 MB 12 inch platter hard drive, and a ancillary box with two 8 inch
>> floppies. Also included are two TeleVideo 900 terminals.
>> Yours for the shipping, or the pickup, or trade for old Sun stuff if you
>> wanna get rid of any.
>> Cheers,
>> Chris
>Hi! Thanks for your very gracious offer. Just out of curiousity, where
>are you located? Depending on if you are nearby, I may be interested,
>but if you are outside of the southwest Michigan area it would probably
>be prohibitively expensive to ship the entire system.
>I've got some older Sun equipment around, nothing spectacular, however.
>Primarily old SPARCstation IPC systems that actually would run fine
>given hard drives, some RAM, and a live IDPROM. Lots of spare CG3
>SBus graphics cards too, but those are probably of limited interest.
>If you are out of my range, would it be alright if I were to forward
>your offer to the classic computer collector's mailing list? If I am
>not capable of finding a home for the system myself, I'm sure there
>would be someone who would!
>Thanks again,
>--Sean Caron (root_at_diablonet.net) | http://www.diablonet.net

--Sean Caron (root_at_diablonet.net) | http://www.diablonet.net
Received on Wed Apr 25 2001 - 16:45:36 BST

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