At 07:24 PM 4/25/01 -0400, you wrote:
>I would still think any memory expansion option would be counted up at POST
Mine did all the way up to 640k
>because the computer can boot with carts installed rather than floppy and
>also, the standard pcjr model has no disk drives! The enhanced model that
>everyone seems to have includes one floppy drive.
The smaller of the two models had no disk drive, just a tape drive.
The other model had one diskette drive.
I added a second diskette drive.
By the way if anyone is interested I have a couple of PCjr sidecars for
sale on my web site. One is extra memory and the other is a printer sidecar.
P.O. Box 3365 Spring Hill Florida 34611-3365
Computer & Video Game Garage Sale
Received on Wed Apr 25 2001 - 22:04:47 BST