MicroVAX 3100 booting... (now WinNT shutdown)

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Thu Apr 26 11:32:29 2001

At 05:10 PM 4/26/01 +0100, Kevin Murrell wrote:
>"Writing unsaved data to disk". Why would some file system
>data remain in memory, even after minutes or hours of relative
>Isn't most of this time spent trying to get various system services to stop?
>I know that a machine with Exchange Server on will take ages.
>Notice there is *very* little disk activity during this period.

So why doesn't the message say "Halting system services"? :-)

A message that suggests that critical data hasn't been
written to disk isn't technically accurate, and I wouldn't
call it marketing-friendly, either.

Then again, it's not like WinNT is running the Space Station Alpha
or anything really important. It's just my hard disk and data.

- John
Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 11:32:29 BST

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