Amiga items on eBay

From: John Foust <>
Date: Thu Apr 26 12:11:46 2001

At 12:52 PM 4/26/01 -0400, Eric Chomko wrote:
>John Foust wrote:
>>Pardon the auction announcement...
>I did this and got blasted for it. I don't think FA (for auction) posts are that bad, escpecially on classic cmp
>for classic cmp related material.
>But what I am asking is the offical rule-of-thumb on this for this mail list. Anyone like to clarify?

This is almost as much fun as debating eBay itself. I think
if an announcement is polite and infrequent, it'll be tolerated
as much on this list as say, ranting, raving, foaming at the mouth,
swearing, declaring someone an idiot, demonstrating one's idiocy,
or droning interminably about some obscure hardware item that only
one person owns and understands.

And besides, some of my items were truly RARE. Get them now
for your museum! All items start at $1 and auctions end in 5 days.

- John
Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 12:11:46 BST

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