MicroVAX 3100 booting... (now WinNT shutdown)

From: John Foust <jfoust_at_threedee.com>
Date: Thu Apr 26 12:26:43 2001

At 12:09 PM 4/26/01 -0500, Brian Chase wrote:
>I have to half-wonder if you're not being sarcastic here. The following
>is taken from the publicly available logs of the first ISS crew:

Me, sarcastic?

> Finally, jiggling some cables brings just a part of the net back. (that
> really instills confidence in the stability of your network).

At least some of the old tricks still work in microgravity.
It just goes to show you, you *do* need to be a rocket scientist
to keep a WinNT server going.

- John
Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 12:26:43 BST

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