TRS-80 Mod 12 for sale

From: Paul Braun <>
Date: Thu Apr 26 21:19:33 2001

Hi, gang.

A couple of years ago, I dove headlong into the old computer
collecting thing, thinking naively that I was doing something unique.
I was going to build a great online museum, and have all these neat
machines displayed thoughout my house and possibly at the local

Then I discovered this list, and realized that not only was I not
alone in my pursuits, but that I was also small potatoes compared
to some of you. Plus, the collection started to take over the
basement, as they are wont to do.

I also design theatrical sound effects, and I'm trying to build a small
project studio here in the basement. That endeavour has taken over
most of my free time.

So, I started paring down the collection to a few choice pieces plus
those with sentimental value to me.

I did a entire display at the local library of Tandy equipment last
year. I realized, while setting it up and subsequently taking it down,
that I should keep the Model 1, the 100 & 200, the Pocket, and the
Micro CoCo and jettison the rest of the Tandy collection.

Rather than put this sucker on ebay, I thought I'd give first shot to
my extended cyberfamily here on the list.

I'm going to start with a Model 12, with two 8" floppy drives,
keyboard, and two external 20mb hard drives. Don't know how well
it works, but I was told that it booted last time it was powered up. I
don't have any software other than what's loaded on the hd's. I've
realized that I just don't have the time and no longer have the
inclination to mess with all of this stuff, so it should go to someone
who does.

As I said, this is going in the kitty to finance the purchase of a
synth or two for the studio, so I would like to get something out of
it. This one wasn't a freebie for me. Also, if you know what one is,
you know how bulky and heavy they are, so I would like to limit it
to pickup in the Northwest Indiana/Chicago area. Valparaiso is
about halfway between Chicago and South Bend, Indiana. Actually,
I don't care where you live. If you're willing to drive to Valpo, that's
fine with me.

If you have problems with this email address, as my provider filters
based on ORBS and sometimes things get stuck, use my work

I'll take the best offer as of Tuesday May 1st at midnight.
Depending on how this goes, I have more Tandy pieces that I'll put
up here first instead of ebay.

I also have a mess of Bytes from the early 80's on that I'll offer as
soon as I get 'em sorted, hopefully this weekend.


Paul Braun WD9GCO
Cygnus Productions

"A computer without a Microsoft operating system is like a dog without a bunch of bricks tied to its head."
Received on Thu Apr 26 2001 - 21:19:33 BST

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