> > NetBSD and OpenBSD boxes seem to boot fine, albeit slowly.
> Of course they boot slowly, they've got to repair all the damage you did.
> Sheesh!
Some people don't understand any multitasking OS's.
This will go on until he loses major data or trashes some disk structure.
Even AIX's jfs will lose eventually in this situation.
Sometimes (machine lock up ) you HAVE to do this. Otherwise it's a big
> > So what if they're writing to disk? If they have proper file systems that
> > won't really matter. Mind you, at least I always check that the drive lights
> > aren't on.
> <sigh> Kindly never apply for a job where I'm working.
> Zane
Yup... What he said.
Or at least don't expect me to recommend you.
(Who's currently looking for Unix and NT Network Admin staff in Monmouth
County, New Jersey -- mail to pechter_at_ureach.com)
Version: 3.12
GIT d? s+:+ a+ C+++ UB++++ P+ L+ E--- W++ N++ o K++ w---
O++ M+ V++ PS+ PE Y+ PGP t 5 X R- tv++ b+ DI++ D-
G e++ h---- r+++ y++++
"Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a villain
in a James Bond movie" - Dennis Miller || bpechter_at_shell.monmouth.com
Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 07:44:30 BST