MicroVAX 3100 booting question...

From: Eric J. Korpela <korpela_at_ellie.ssl.berkeley.edu>
Date: Fri Apr 27 11:09:06 2001

> > So what if they're writing to disk? If they have proper file systems that
> > won't really matter. Mind you, at least I always check that the drive lights
> > aren't on.
> <sigh> Kindly never apply for a job where I'm working.

Yep, some of us even worry that the battery backup for the write-back cache
in our RAID setup is only 47 hours, even if we can't concieve of something
that would interrupt the UPS before the systems had time to shut down.

Unfortunately, living here we can concieve of an event that would interrupt
power suddenly, destroy the UPS, and keep us in the dark for 48 hours or more.
Of course, at that point I doubt I'll be worrying too much about the state of

Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 11:09:06 BST

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