Listing for AppleII StarTrek

From: Pete Turnbull <>
Date: Fri Apr 27 16:22:57 2001

On Apr 27, 8:53, Cini, Richard wrote:

> I looked at home, and I don;t have any of Ahl's books. I do have a
> version of StarTrek that was for TinyBasic, which I could use. I was
> interested in the version that came with the 16k Apple ][ because it
> to make use of some of the graphics capabilities.

The version is David Ahl's book isn't Apple-oriented, though it must be
close to the Apple version (which, if I recall correctly, was in Integer
BASIC). I do have a copy of that somewhere. However, at the moment my
machines are strewn (I think that's about the most descriptive word I could
use!) all over the house and workshop as I'm in the final stages of
"sorting out the junk". I doubt if the Disk ]['s are even in the same room
as the Apple ][ or //e, and i'm sure the floppies aren't. Nevertheless, if
you care to remind me in a week or two's time, I should be able to dig it
out and kermit a copy across to something net-enabled for you.

[5 mins later] Aha, I've found the disks. What you're looking for is
called "APPLE-TREK", and it's 53 blocks of INTEGER BASIC.

Pete						Peter Turnbull
						Network Manager
						Dept. of Computer Science
						University of York
Received on Fri Apr 27 2001 - 16:22:57 BST

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