Another DEC haul

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sat Apr 28 08:55:54 2001

--- Brian Roth <> wrote:
> I just got back from out of state with another DEC haul.


> A few things I did see while loading...
> Brand new spare boards for the 750

Do you have the 750 to go with it, or are you planning on moving
these out? I have two 750s in good repair, but they are not
fully decked out.

> New replacement RK05 heads

Are any of these RK05F heads? Are any heads available? I'm about
to come into an RK8E after 15+ years of (slowly) looking, and I
have one RK05F 16-sector pack that I've wondered what's on it since

> A nice unexpected bonus was finding a PDP8a in the pile and in it was a RL8
> controller.

Nice bonus. I got my first RL8A when I was in college. Paid real money
for it because I could get an RL01 drive and RL8A for less than an RK8E
and some 16-sector packs (I had the RK05 drive already, but RL01 packs
were virtually free then).


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Received on Sat Apr 28 2001 - 08:55:54 BST

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