Finds... (mainly Heathkit 3400)

From: Roger Merchberger <>
Date: Mon Apr 30 19:35:58 2001

Whoodoggie! Did I finally get a find, or what?

Went to the local auction house (1st of the season) and they'd advertised a
lot of Amateur (Ham) radio equipment (having gotten my license over the
winter, and upgraded it in March, I was looking for my first HF rig - AB8KK
if anyone's wondering...) and I got:

Lotsa ham stuff, inc. 2 antennas & an Icom 745 (w/almost all the fixin's) -
it's over 10 years old, and microprocessor controlled - that's why I
mentioned it... (and a PackRatt TNC - heard it's a nice rig)

They also had some apple stuff there, where I piced up an extra IIci for
spares, and I rescued an Apple //gs (it's totally bare, tho, so it's not
really useful to me as is) and a 3.5" and 5.25" floppy drive...

But that's not the best of it:

I have been looking for a Heathkit 3400 Microprocessor trainer for *years*
and there was one there -- 6808 uP (6800 w/internal timer, same instruction
set), 512 bytes RAM (a pair of 2114's - amazingly, they still work), 1K
ROM, and (6) 7-segment LED's for primary program output...

*and it works!* [1]

I also got Heathkit digital trainer (3100, methinks?) and an HP trainer
(with probe, extra display, etc.) Don't remember the # on that - I'll check
it out more when I get home...

$3.00USD each.

Also, a *lot* of HeathKit Continuing Education series books (Most, if not
all, still with Exam Papers) so that's some fun readin'...

Anywho, I (unforch) didn't get any dox with the trainer (not that it's
rocket science or anything...) but there's precious little info on the 'Net
(amazingly) so I don't know where the I/O memory mapping is for the LED's &
whatnot... Anyone out there have any info? (Just a basic memory map would
be great!)

Oh, and my 4-year-old thinks that trainer is a *whole lot cooler* than our
Win98 box - Takes after the old man, that one does! ;-)

Anywho, just thought I'd brag a little, and TIA for any help on it... I
wanna write a couple little ditties for it, and interface some A/D & D/A
projects to it...

[1] 1 of the "binary output LED's" is burned out - no big deal, and
everything else seems to work fine...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.
If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.
Received on Mon Apr 30 2001 - 19:35:58 BST

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