Anyone read....

From: Wayne M. Smith <>
Date: Mon Apr 30 23:43:42 2001

> Quoting Mike <>:
> > "IBM and the Holocaust: The Strategic Alliance
between Nazi
> > Germany and America's Most Powerful Corporation"
by Edwin Black,
> > Crown
> I saw it at the local Hastings, but also didn't have
the money to
> pick it up. I will read it this summer, though. I
suspect it will
> try to shock me by detailing how IBM had sold
technology of some
> kind to Germany before US involvement in World War
II. While such
> a practice seems shocking today, it probably wasn't
such a big deal
> back then. Correct me if my history is wrong, but it
seems to me
> that Germany would have in fact been the best
potential customer,
> being one country that made decent progress towards
getting out of
> the depression that was widespread in Europe at the
time. Also,
> this was before we all figured out that Naziism was a
Bad Thing,
> right?
> Can anyone tell us what the book says?
> --
> Jeffrey S. Sharp

There's a number of reviews at the Amazon site.
Reading them will give you a pretty good idea of what
it's about.
Received on Mon Apr 30 2001 - 23:43:42 BST

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