HD Controllers - S-100 & Corvus Omninet

From: M H Stein <mhstein_at_usa.net>
Date: Sat Dec 1 19:53:18 2001

As far as I can tell, IMI originally used a proprietary interface but when IBM
came into the game they switched over to ST506 and IMI drives were in fact
put into some AT's; same HDA but a different PCB. I have various versions of
the 5014/5018/5021drives and have in fact switched boards back & forth.

And yes, the drive clock signals were used for data transfer, at least by
Cromemco; once the appropriate sector was located, data was clocked
into/out of a shift register by the SysClk signal from the drive.

-----------------Original Message----------------
Date: Sat, 1 Dec 2001 10:28:45 -0700
From: "Richard Erlacher" <edick_at_idcomm.com>
Subject: Re: HD Controllers - S-100 & Corvus Omninet

I had a couple of IMI drives back in the '80's and find, from my doc's that they
were, in fact, ST506 compatible. I wonder if the drives you're seeing in your
brocheure are earlier than that.

The 8" Quantum drives all provided a clock on the data cable, that could be used
to recover data. I'm not exactly sure how this was intended to be used, but
several controllers for 8" drives relied on it, not having a PLL on board. The
Shugart drives apparently didn't provide this clock.

Received on Sat Dec 01 2001 - 19:53:18 GMT

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