On Fri, 30 Nov 2001, Fred deBros wrote:
> Type 4 mice are tricky because they have to be adjusted to the grid
> (parallel vs perpendicular) in order to work correctly.
> There is a ps file that prints the type 4 mouse pad grid on paper.
> Do I have to laminate that print, or print it on a transparency and glue
> that onto an aluminum foil or print it onto a reflective foil?
> Because my printed pad on plain paper don't work with type 4 mice.
> Sniff. I wonder why I find so many optical mice in the garbage here.
> Any advice?
I was given a sparcstation SLC with an optical mouse, no pad tho. After
somet hinking, I tried aluminium foil which I made dimples in, which sorta
worked. Then I had a bright idea. I got a piece of hardboard (normally
used for backing cheap cupboard units), which has a textured back due to
the manufacturing process. I then got a piece of foil and taped it over a
pad shaped sqaure of hardboard, then pressed it against some soft foam, so
the patter was imprinted on the foil. This works passably as a stop-gap
solution until you can get something better :&)
-- Matt
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Received on Sat Dec 01 2001 - 09:06:37 GMT