> Found a java applet that simulates the DSKY (display and keyboard)
> As MIT designed the AGC's I bet they have all of the documentation
> filed away somewhere. Found some interesting documents at
> 1689.pdf - "Block II keyboard and dsiplay program (RETRED44)"
> Gives a Block II verb/noun list
> 1692.pdf - "AGC4 Memo #9 Block II Instructions"
> Block II Memory map and instruction set
Sourceforge as a semiactive project to write a simulator don't know if
the code cited above is pert of that or a different project.
Ther eis also a book about the computers used int he Apollo era. From a
previous (26 Sep 2001) post in cccmp by John Allan:
> re Eldon Hall's book "Journey to the Moon"
> BTW It is expensive but worth
> it, even if you like Only computers or only spaceflight. (but both?
> <g><g>)
> Publisher: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
> Date: 1996
> ISBN: 1-56347-185-X
available from Amazon but url is too long to post ;-)
-- hbp
Received on Sun Dec 02 2001 - 00:20:52 GMT