Hardware wise the Infoserver 150 is a MicroVAX 3100 Model 10. Software wise
I never got any real chance to hack mine and ATM it's in my storage room
along with a VXT1200 X-terminal, which was the reason the 150 existed in the
first place - one of the popular DEC bundles of the day was an infoserver
and 5 VXTs. The software uses the Local Area Disk protocol (LAD/LAST) for
disk services which requires a client to be running on a VAX somewhere
There must be more than just ROM changes to the hardware though.
I used to think that the whole reason the 150 came about in the first place
was that Digital had a small mountain of 3100/10s lying around so they did
their usual trick of using old hardware for new tricks (viz: RL02s as
console media for bigger VAXen (6xxx?), PRO380s as consoles for 8xxx's etc).
The 150 was superceded by the Infoserver 1000, which was smaller than the
RRD42s that it controlled.
> > Hi folks. I got a few questions. First, is there anything
> that makes
> > this box different from a plain-vanilla VAXserver 3100?
> Second, does
> > anyone have the software for this bad boy? Third, will the
> software run
> > on a regular VAXserver 3100? Fourth, what does the
> software consist of?
> I can provide the software, but the InfoServer 150 is different from a
> VAXserver 3100. I've tried to swap the ROMs, but that didn't
> work. The
> InfoServer 100 is the same as a VAXserver 3100 (but I can't remember
> which model) with different ROMs. If you want to try, I can provide
> Infoserver 100 ROM images.
> --
> Eric Dittman
> dittman_at_dittman.net
> Check out the DEC Enthusiasts Club at http://www.dittman.net/
Received on Mon Dec 03 2001 - 04:40:56 GMT