Anyone have a MicroVax II in a BA123 available?

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Tue Dec 4 13:17:37 2001

Chuck McManis wrote:
> That's the problem Ben, I'm happy to take it to the local pack and ship
> place and say "Make this go from here to there via UPS Ground." but
> depending on the weight, the item (fragile/not fragile/big/not big) the
> price varies tremendously. From reasonable $11 - $15 to outrageous $50 -
> $75. Now I trust this guy who does the packing, he's great but I get into a
> situation where off it goes and now I've got to send you a bill that
> perhaps isn't worth it to you to pay. That's the risk that I deal with.

I think this boils down to what is a realistic price for a item.
Take a used terminal, I would like to spend $100 canadian for one,
shipping included. I would not mind spending $5, but will that
get me $200 of headaches. This is where I think we need a informal
price sheets of costs involved. Also a good resource for documentation
and software. Over the last few years many of the $5-$25 items that
I found could have been more valuable I tossed because of lack of
or no software.
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
Received on Tue Dec 04 2001 - 13:17:37 GMT

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