Apple Floppy Drives (was: More Apple Pimpers)

From: Ethan Dicks <>
Date: Sat Dec 8 21:54:18 2001

--- "Fred Cisin (XenoSoft)" <> wrote:
> Here's what you need to do to get reliable results from Apple drives:
> > And I am probably a good test of real world abuse to the Apple Drive ][
> > drives, as I was just a wee child, and I didn't follow any rules that
> > I probably should have...

My former boss at Software Productions (we wrote kiddie software for home
computers under the Reader's Digest label) put a story in an early
version of the docs of how he fired up his Apple ][ to run CP/M and the
disk drive made odd noises... he took it in for service and the tech
extracted fragments of a Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwich. Seems his kids
were playing games and eating PB&J and decided the computer must be hungry,

It's not just oatmeal in the VCR...


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Received on Sat Dec 08 2001 - 21:54:18 GMT

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