Apple Floppy Drives (was: More Apple Pimpers)

From: Ben Franchuk <>
Date: Sun Dec 9 13:16:31 2001

Ethan Dicks wrote:
> True, but back in those days, that wasn't a fatal limitation. Besides,
> the 8-bitters didn't really have a OS, more of a structured program
> loader. If all you need to do is read in executables and read/write
> data files, you don't need a full OS.

In retospect I would say people expected BASIC to run rom. I/O
was a feature only used to save your programs, maybe even data.
The Apple,TRS-80?,Pets,C64's,Coco's,IBM-PC all come to mind.
CP/M was the most common real OS, but lets not forget about
6800/6809 machines running FLEX or OS/9.
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
Received on Sun Dec 09 2001 - 13:16:31 GMT

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