11/44 power problem... (Oh, not again...)

From: Carlini, Antonio <Antonio.Carlini_at_riverstonenet.com>
Date: Tue Dec 11 16:02:10 2001

> ard_at_p850ug1.demon.co.uk wrote:
>The outputs of this PSU are +/-5V to +/-15V. They're all safe to
>although they can supply significant current when the machine is in

>operation (I think the main logic supply is 5V, 125A).

        When I was working on a VAX 6000 once, the combination
        of +5V _at_ > 100A and human-appendages-with-nearby-metal
        (fingers with ring, wrists with metal watchstraps etc.) was
        quaintly described as an opportunity to lose an appendage and
        simultaneously cauterize the wound :-)

>The main hazard is inside the PSU. There are a couple of _large_
>capacitors that form part of a 400V supply straight from the mains.
>output of this supply is distributed to the PSU boards by
>type screw terminals at the top of the boards. This supply can kill

        Stone dead, I should think!

        All PSUs deserve respect. This one sounds
        like it deserves more than most :-)

Received on Tue Dec 11 2001 - 16:02:10 GMT

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