USENET from 1981 to present on google

From: Cameron Kaiser <>
Date: Wed Dec 12 16:37:26 2001

> I've been perusing it... I can't find any of my own posting prior to
> the Great Renaming (net.micro.amiga, etc.) In fact, I can see in
> one of the traffic groups my upstream feed telling the other UUCP
> admins that we were off the air (and I was out of a job ;-) but I that's
> one of the oldest messages with my name in it. None of my _actual_
> posts appears until late 1987.

The earliest post of mine in there is from late 1994. To be fair, I wasn't
around much earlier than that, but there are still gaps even after the

> Guess even with 7+E08 messages, there's still gaps.

I'm not surprised, either, since there were few people really archiving
this stuff back then. I'm glad to at least have some of it, anyway.

----------------------------- personal page: --
 Cameron Kaiser, Point Loma Nazarene University *
-- Well done is better than well said. -- Benjamin Franklin -------------------
Received on Wed Dec 12 2001 - 16:37:26 GMT

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