One sick-puppy wrote:
> I am pretty sure that I will be bringing one of my IBM S/390 G1's
> to VCF East next year with VM, MVS, and Linux running. If anyone
> else brings machines capable of SNA, FDDI, Ethernet or ATM, you'll
> be welcome to hook up to me.
I have an "Informer" terminal I could bring - it resembles a luggable
VT-220 with a keyboard than snaps on the front of the CRT for storage.
It has a 3274-equivalent inside and any terminal can act as a controller
for others of its kind, daisy-chained as slaves. I got it for $90
at the Hamvention back when I used to make SNA gear for a living.
Did the SNA-for-Linux project die?
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Received on Wed Dec 12 2001 - 23:16:35 GMT