I've got four Iomega Bournoulli Boxes, model A210H, if anybody wants them.
I can maybe think of a few bits to swap for them but that doesn't matter. I
just need the room (as several list members who've visited us can attest)
and want them to go to a new home.
I can ship but just reimburse me for the shipping cost and maybe purchase
of a proper shipping carton or two as needed. Seem to weigh 15 to 20 lbs.
each. Zip code 14701.
Also, any interest in several IBM 3287 printers? Dot matrix 132 column page
printers which use SNA network interface.
-- --
Christian Fandt, Electronic/Electrical Historian
Jamestown, NY USA cfandt_at_netsync.net
Member of Antique Wireless Association
Received on Thu Dec 13 2001 - 20:54:36 GMT