Sean 'Captain Napalm' Conner wrote:
> I have Linux 2.0 running a laptop with 4M RAM and 120M harddrive
> (patitioned into 112M for filesystem, and 8M for swap). The installation is
> based off RedHat 5.2 and it wasn't easy to actually get installed (RedHat
> wanted 16M of RAM for installation, Slackware wanted 8M of RAM, and Tom's
> RootBoot Disk barely functions in 4M of RAM) but I was able to get it going.
> My main system is Linux 2.0 on a 120MHz AMD 586 (a glorified 486 really)
> with 32M RAM with 3G of drive space and it's more than enough for what I do
> (I run X, which allows me to run Mozilla off my roommate's box 8-)
> -spc (My colocated box is a 33Mhz 486 ... )
I like debian linux for the simple reason you can upgrade over a modem
internet connection. Red Hat wants a $#%! network card! I downgraded to
since I am using FPGA software and a game or two and needed my other 720
meg HD.
Ben Franchuk --- Pre-historic Cpu's --
Received on Wed Dec 12 2001 - 19:46:56 GMT