if you hadn't already known this about the PDP-8

From: Boatman on the River of Suck <vance_at_ikickass.org>
Date: Fri Dec 14 21:49:11 2001

On Sat, 15 Dec 2001, Tony Duell wrote:

> Firstly, I'll accept that X needs a graphics display, but surely you can
> run the applications on a linux box and the X-server on another machine
> (including a dedicated X-terminal). So the linux box only needs a
> graphics card if it's running the X-server

What about the print-only X-server? I've used it with a cardreader and
lineprinter. It's painful, but it works. I suspect it would be much less
painful on a CRT terminal.

> Secondly, running linux does not imply running X. Plenty of programs will
> run on a text-only command-line type of system. You'd need a video card
> for that, although not a graphics-capable one.

I believe Linux will now run with a serial terminal. NetBSD certainly

> Thirdly, is there any good reason why you can't use a serial terminal
> linked to an RS232 port any more? In which case the PC wouldn't need a
> video card at all, unless it needs one to pass the POST (and you don't
> know how to patch the bios to get round it).

This should work just fine. You just have to compile the kernel with the
necessary options.

Peace... Sridhar
Received on Fri Dec 14 2001 - 21:49:11 GMT

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