[PDP8-Lovers] how to clean a PDP8/A, dishwasher?

From: Carlos Murillo <cmurillo_at_emtelsa.multi.net.co>
Date: Sat Dec 15 12:14:06 2001

At 09:27 AM 12/15/01 -0700, you wrote:
>I also would consider the qaulity of the water. I would wash in
>water. The last thing you want is clorine or other acids and junk from
>water slower eating your PCB.

Chlorine shouldn't be a problem because it will diffuse out to the air
before it has a chance to do damage. Sweat from your hands
would be very, very bad and will cause widespread corrosion
in the long term.


Carlos E. Murillo-Sanchez carlos_murillo_at_nospammers.ieee.org
Received on Sat Dec 15 2001 - 12:14:06 GMT

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