Flashing Light Indicators un Simple Front Panels

From: Jeff Hellige <jhellige_at_earthlink.net>
Date: Sat Dec 15 08:06:18 2001

>On Dec 14, 16:16, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
>> In particular, do any of you have familiarity with
>> systems that flash the on or power light as an
>> indicattor, sopecifiecally, of a power supply
>> problem?
>The only thing I can think of that's *designed* to do something like that
>is an SGI Indy; if you power one up and it can't even run the the code in
>the PROM, it flashes the power light (which is a two-colour LED). The
>usual cause id that there's no (recognisable) RAM at all in it. Probably
>not relevant to a PR1ME.

        Amiga's do it as well when the machine GURU's, just before
the red error message appears.

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Received on Sat Dec 15 2001 - 08:06:18 GMT

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