Flashing Light Indicators un Simple Front Panels

From: Douglas Quebbeman <dhquebbeman_at_theestopinalgroup.com>
Date: Sat Dec 15 13:09:53 2001

> On Dec 14, 16:16, Douglas Quebbeman wrote:
> > In particular, do any of you have familiarity with
> > systems that flash the on or power light as an
> > indicattor, sopecifiecally, of a power supply
> > problem?
> The only thing I can think of that's *designed* to do something like that
> is an SGI Indy; if you power one up and it can't even run the the code in
> the PROM, it flashes the power light (which is a two-colour LED). The
> usual cause id that there's no (recognisable) RAM at all in it. Probably
> not relevant to a PR1ME.

No, I'm afraid you may have hit it on the head, and it's been the
direction I've been leaning, that the microcode ROMs may have
fried, but that just blows my mind. Tonight, I'll set up the
PC that's got my ROM burner/reader, and read each one (if the
ROMs aren't too large a size for my Needham unit). I'm assuming
I'll see all 00s or all FFs (or maybe something like FEs) if
they're blown; been a long time since I've looked at popped

About the only other possibility is that the backplane got
cooked, but it looks fine...

Received on Sat Dec 15 2001 - 13:09:53 GMT

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