New Finds

From: Jeff Hellige <>
Date: Mon Dec 17 17:46:54 2001

> > Today I found the following:
>> 1) IBM PS/2 P70 Portable with Xenix386 loaded. Does anyone know
>> how to bypass the root password so I can log in?
>Is it Xenix or AIX? I know IBM had a version of AIX that ran on these. Or
>was it just that funky Microkernel OS/2 thing running on one of these with
>AIX running at the same time? I know I saw that at a trade show once in DC,
>that was cool!

        Either way, that would be pretty cool. I've got Warp Connect
running on my P70 with an Evergreen 486 upgrade.

                           Home of the TRS-80 Model 2000 FAQ File
Received on Mon Dec 17 2001 - 17:46:54 GMT

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