Off-Topic Toys

From: Doc <>
Date: Wed Dec 19 11:16:39 2001

On Wed, 19 Dec 2001, r. 'bear' stricklin wrote:

> I've been looking at the B50s reeeal close myself lately. As recently as a
> few weeks ago IBM was selling them direct for <$2500. It's awfully
> tempting.

 They're sweet units. The only real limitation compared to the 43P-150
is the number of expansion slots. Not a problem on a "private" unit.
They're a really good deal for the $$$.

> More on topic, I'm also on the lookout for an RT PC to go with this AIX 2
> media kit I found recently.

Um, yeah. If I find 2 you can have one. I saw 20 or 30 go through
Surplus the last year at UT. Be still, my thievin' heart.... I haven't
seen one available in several years.

Received on Wed Dec 19 2001 - 11:16:39 GMT

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