MITS 2SIO serial chip?

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Wed Dec 19 17:46:57 2001

>Ben Franchuk <>:
>> what is the faster CPU -- A 6502 or Z80 style processor like
>> the rabbit.


For the same instruction execution rate (ignores clocks and cycles)
the z80 is likely faster. However... if you have a 20mhz 6502 and
a 10mhz z80 it gets muddier with the 6502 being the faster. And
if you know one better than the other you can certainly exploit it
all the more. In the end it's not which one does a task faster, it's
what one you can code the task for faster.

Sorta like asking apples or oranges.

Received on Wed Dec 19 2001 - 17:46:57 GMT

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