MITS 2SIO serial chip?

From: Allison <>
Date: Thu Dec 20 07:58:23 2001

None of that means much. At the same sped which one will do
a long list of benchmarks faster is the only one that counts in
the speed derby and which one is cheapest to implement for
the specific case is likely number one.


-----Original Message-----
From: Richard Erlacher <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, December 20, 2001 4:21 AM
Subject: Re: MITS 2SIO serial chip?

>If you run a 20 MHz Z80 against a 20 MHz 6502, you'll find the 6502
performs WAY
>(3x-5x) faster than the Z80. It's difficult to base a comparison on clock
>alone. All 6502 memory cycles take 1 clock tick. Z80 memory cycles, aside
>M1, take 3 clock ticks, with no wait states in use. If you run the 6502 at
>rate that fully utilizes the memory bandwidth at a rate such that the Z80
>perform an M1 in the same amount of time, without wait states, the 6502
>always be faster, because it's running faster. The Z80 uses 1-1/2 clock
>to execute its instruction fetch. If that's to be memory access window for
>processor, and you run them both from static memory, and you allow minimal
>recovery time, e.g. use 10-15 ns memory, (just for the comparison) then you
>use a 20 MHz Z80 and a 20 (actually 14) MHz 6502, and clock the 6502 with a
>low, 75ns high clock, and drive the Z80 with a square 20 MHz. That will be
a 10
>MHz clock for the 6502 and a 20 MHz clock for the Z80. I'd submit that the
>will still run rings around the Z80, since it is still going to be cycling
>memory at an average of 200 ns per cycle, while the 6502 does it a 100 ns
>Surely a better comparison can be arranged.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "ajp166" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 4:46 PM
>Subject: Re: MITS 2SIO serial chip?
>> >Ben Franchuk <>:
>> >
>> >> what is the faster CPU -- A 6502 or Z80 style processor like
>> >> the rabbit.
>> Depends...
>> For the same instruction execution rate (ignores clocks and cycles)
>> the z80 is likely faster. However... if you have a 20mhz 6502 and
>> a 10mhz z80 it gets muddier with the 6502 being the faster. And
>> if you know one better than the other you can certainly exploit it
>> all the more. In the end it's not which one does a task faster, it's
>> what one you can code the task for faster.
>> Sorta like asking apples or oranges.
>> Allison
Received on Thu Dec 20 2001 - 07:58:23 GMT

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