VS4000 hardware questions

From: Alexander Schreiber <als_at_thangorodrim.de>
Date: Sat Dec 22 15:54:26 2001

On Sat, Dec 22, 2001 at 11:53:41AM -0800, Zane H. Healy wrote:
> >> It would boot off any cdrom pretty much. The problem came when I tried to
> >> do a restore from the cd's system image. Instant screenfull of greek.
> >> The RRD40 was the only drive I could install vms off of.
> >
> >I used the different drives to install, too. Have you tried a Plextor?
> This really sounds like the problem I had installing OpenVMS on my
> VS4000/VLC. I've got a 4x external CD-ROM that I bought new years ago for
> my PowerBook 520c. Everything loves this CD-ROM (including lots of VMS
> systems), yet when I tried to install VMS on the VLC using it, I had
> nothing but troubles.

Reminds me of my V3100 - quite some trouble installing VMS on it too.
Reading the FAQs I guessed that any drive supporting 512 byte blocksize
should do. So I tried several Plextor drives and a Toshiba (all set to
512 byte/block) - not much success, the VS3100 would start to boot and
after a drop a screenful of error message on me. So I finally stole the
CDROM (the one that came with the machine - I figure it was an RRD42 or
something similar) from my trusty DECstation5000 and I worked first

q: If you were young again, would you start writing TeX again or would
   you use Microsoft Word, or another word processor?
a: I hope to die before I *have* to use Microsoft Word.
  -- Harald Koenig <koenig_at_tat.physik.uni-tuebingen.de> asking Donald E. Knuth
Received on Sat Dec 22 2001 - 15:54:26 GMT

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