Solace 3.0

From: Jim Battle <>
Date: Sun Dec 23 15:32:31 2001

Ho, Ho, Ho --

Just in time for Christmas, it's Solace 3.0. Free Sol's for everyone!

This version of my Sol emulator fixes a few small bugs (including the fact
that the last release broke the ability to save to virtual tapes in
real-time mode). More importantly, it adds very low level emulation of a
DS/DD Northstar disk system. You can run CP/M 2.2 as well as NSDOS. The
emulator comes with a few virtual disk images, including a collection of
Sol-relevant files culled from the CPMUG archives.

Solace home page:

Sol home page:
Jim Battle ==
Received on Sun Dec 23 2001 - 15:32:31 GMT

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