One More PCB Dishwasher Question

From: Matthew Sell <>
Date: Fri Dec 28 09:59:11 2001

How many times do we need to go through this?

It's perfectly fine to use your dishwasher!!!!!!!!!!!

The fact is that many PCB manufacturers use the very same equipment during
manufacture - and many do not use water filtration of deionizing facilities.

The design and use of the board dictates the treatment that needs to be
applied to the water source. Of course, if you use water directly from the
Mississippi River, you probably need to use a filter....

Check previous posts regarding this subject. You will see insight from
people that, like myself, are in this business currently or have experience
with board cleaning and preparation.

I run EVERYTHING through the dishwaser, with the exception of transformers
and large filter capacitors.

I've placed entire computers (minus hard drive - but WITH power supply and
floppy drive) into the dishwasher. I did this many, many times. Both
personally and professionally I have not had a SINGLE failure.

Using a dishwasher on your PC boards will not destroy them. Do not use
harsh detergents, or the plate warming or drying features. Dry the boards
completely. Do not wash boards such as core memory boards for mechanical
stress reasons.

I'm amazed at how many professionals use dishwashers to clean PCBs for a
variety of hobbies, and openly discuss and encourage the use of this
method, and the number of people who say you just can't do it - or it can't
work - or you'll destroy the boards.

         - Matt

P.S. - If you think that all of the electronic stuff you buy has been
cleaned by a very expensive and high maintenance water filtration solution,
then you are sadly mistaken. I've worked for companies that use this method
without filtration, and consulted for a few others. You have their devices
in your home, in your car, and on the planes you fly in.

At 10:19 AM 12/28/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Never run boards through a dishwasher!
>This has got to be one of the most insane ideas I've ever heard.
>Commercial PCB's do get washed, but only after the water has
>been deionized with some rather expensive and high maintainance
>I'm quite sure that manufacturers don't go through the expense of
>this gear if your maytag washer could do the job.
>Lots of domestic water supplies have 'hard water' and.or high mineral
>that will dammage or destroy your boards. Maybe not while they are in
>washer, but corrosion may set in later.
>lee courtney wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > The thread on cleaning cards by running them through
> > the dishwasher was timely as I am resurrecting an
> > HP3000/XE. The system came from Pacific Pipe in
> > Oakland and is the *filthest* system I have ever seen.
> > The "computer room" on the second floor was left open
> > to the work yard and all matter of dirt, dust, grime
> > etc was sucked into the CPU, disc drive and tape. The
> > CPU boards literally had a layer of grime covering
> > them.
> >
> > Of course since this was an HP box it booted right up
> > even though it was basically "clogged".
> >
> > Many of the HP cards have paper stickers indicating
> > part number, revision, etc. Any thoughts on preserving
> > these through a dishwasher cycle? Or should I just
> > gently hand rinse? THanks!
> >
> > Lee Courtney
> >
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Matthew Sell
On Time Support, Inc.
(281) 296-6066

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