NEXT Color Printer find

From: James L. Rice <>
Date: Sat Dec 29 22:41:07 2001

My NeXT Color Printer, a model N2004 has both a SCSI in and out as well
as a Centronics style parallel port. It S/N is in the 2600 range (I'm
too busy to look right now).

Louis Schulman wrote:

>On 29 Dec 2001 21:07:48 -0500, Jeffrey H. Ingber wrote:
>#I have a NeXT color printer.
>#From what I know about NeXT printers, none of them are PostScript.
>The literature says: "Postscript Level II imaging". I don't know if this is consistent with your description or
># Both of the
>#centronics ports on the printer are SCSI. I've never seen one that has
>#a parellel port.
>Well, you are mistaken about something. This printer has _three_ Centronics ports, two are SCSI, and the
>other is smaller, the size of a parallel port. My theory is that this is the difference between a Model 2004,
>which is documented in web literature, and Model 2005, of which there may have been few examples (since
>this one is evidently number 17).
>#On Sat, 2001-12-29 at 20:34, Louis Schulman wrote:
>#> Today I picked up a NEXT Color Printer in a thrift shop. From what I have found, it is a PostScript color
>#> printer using a Cannon Bubblejet engine, with a SCSI interface (altough it appears to have a standard
>#> Centronics interface as well). It is Model N2005. It has the extremely interesting serial number of
>#> ACS-00000017.
>#> The machine, aside from being dusty, is like new.
>#> I don't have a NEXT system, and I have not tried hooking it up to my PC (yet). Does anyone know if this
>#> work (using a generic PS driver)?
>#> In any event, if this is the NEXT item on your list to complete your NEXT system, I would be happy to
>#> discuss a deal.
>#> Louis
Received on Sat Dec 29 2001 - 22:41:07 GMT

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