Cheap Video cookbooks and machines WTD

From: Lawrence Walker <>
Date: Mon Dec 31 13:22:27 2001

 While ISTR reference to a Don Lancaster "TV Typewriter" article, he put out
a book called "TV Typewriter Cookbook". It is 250 pages and would be non-
trivial to scan, besides which his books are still under copyright. He has a
web-page and might have copies of his books. A search should turn it up.
 Looking at my copy I see it was originally published in 1976. I'd forgotten
how early it was. His books also turn up on E-Pay occasionally.


> Hi,
> I'm trying to get a copy of Don Lancaster's "Cheap Video Cookbook" and
> "Son of Cheap Video" books, which are now out of print. Anyone got a copy of
> both books they'd care to scan in and upload somewhere or sell to me? What about
> the "TV Typewriter" article?
> I'm also after a Synertek SYM-1 (or SY-VIM-1), a MOS KIM-1 and an
> AIM-65. Anyone want to sell me one of these machines (or donate one to my
> computer collection :-)?
> Thanks.
> --
> Phil.

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Received on Mon Dec 31 2001 - 13:22:27 GMT

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