Need disk image - QEMM

From: Richard Erlacher <>
Date: Mon Jan 1 20:54:50 2001

It would be helpful to know which release of QEMM you need. There were
eight, IIRC.

I have one of them, but I don't remember which release. It might take a
little while, but Ido know it's in this pile of about 100 diskettes right on
the table.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Richard A. Cini" <>
To: "ClassCompList" <>
Sent: Monday, January 01, 2001 6:41 PM
Subject: OT: Need disk image - QEMM

> Hello, all:
> I'm in the process of creating disk images of various programs and
> utilities. I came across my copy of QEMM, the memory mamager from
> Quarterdeck. My disk 3 is bad.
> Does anyone have a copy of this that they can send me? Thanks.
> Rich
> Rich Cini
> ClubWin! Group 1
> Collector of Classic Computers
> Web site:
> /*****************************************/
Received on Mon Jan 01 2001 - 20:54:50 GMT

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