PPort ethernet, new on ebay for $9.00

From: Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se>
Date: Wed Jan 3 04:06:10 2001

On Wed, 3 Jan 2001 THETechnoid_at_home.com wrote:

> In <Pine.LNX.3.94.1010102150256.767D-100000_at_uno>, on 01/03/01
> at 03:50 AM, Iggy Drougge <optimus_at_canit.se> said:
> >Do you have a HD? I'd like to run MiNT, but I'm uncertain about its
> >usefulness without a hard drive.
> >The other problem is that the two parport ethernet drivers for the Atari
> >require either a D-Link DE600 or an RTL8012 based adaptor, and AFAIK,
> >Xircom ones are compatible with neither.
> Yup, its running on a 600mb scsi with a Link II interface. Gotta have a
> hard disk. You might be able to string enough floppy drives together to
> run it, but it would be a custom setup. MiNT docs say it'll run on any
> ST. I think you might get a single user session and PPP going but that
> would be the limit. X barely runs on my 4mb ram and I can't actually run
> any X programs without running out of memory at that. No virtual memory
> really hurts. Later Ataris like the Falcon and the TT don't suffer from
> this so killer MiNT setups are possible.

Why would one want to run X when one has MiNT? I don't see why one would
like to run X on any kind of system, in fact.
I suppose I'll have to stick with TOS until I find one of the half-dozen
or so ST HD interfaces which seem to have found their way to Sweden. ST
users seem to have been allergic to upgrades.

> In the last couple of years, I've had by far the best luck with KEMD, the
> English translation of Knarf's German MiNT Distribution (KGMD). It is
> easy to install and comes with most of what you need such as a TCP/IP
> stack and PPPD. The first install screens are in German. Basically I
> made educated guesses as to what was being asked..... If you have
> questions, please feel free to e-mail me.

I'm quite adept at German, so that shouldn't be any problem. One almost
has to be in the ST world.

> >> It is networked but via a PPP serial link at 19200bps.... The ppp server
> >> is Tserve for OS/2.
> >An OS/2 junkie? That was a while ago (not counting the state railways and
> >the local supermarket). I've been intending to install Warp on one of my
> >new Pentiums (I've already got 2.1 on a 486). It doesn't seem to like
> >ATAPI drives, though. Cor, I feel so modern, having got my first 100 MHz
> >computer.
> Yea, I've been an OS/2phile for going on ten years. 2.1 is not happy with
> most Atapi cdrom drives without adding a driver to your install disks.

Moreover, 2.1 required a second IDE interface in order to utilise the
ATAPI drive.

> Warp Connect and Warp 4 are very happy with almost any drive. Thise
> year's release of OS/2 is EcomStation and installs like a dream on almost
> any pc hardware. I owe a lot to OS/2. Finally a new version!

At the usual IBM prices?
Received on Wed Jan 03 2001 - 04:06:10 GMT

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