Drive By Pokings... Was first programs

From: John Allain <John.Allain_at_Donnelley.InfoUSA.Com>
Date: Wed Jan 17 18:15:38 2001

> There's certainly such a POKE for the HP71B...display comes out
> upside-down...

My belief is that the HP's were well enough engineered that there
were no 'Fry Pokes' accessable to the user. On Topic, one of the
neatest things I remember reading as a beginning programmer was in
the HP85 manual where it said something like:
  'There is no way you can damage the computer through use of the
That was the right thing to say to (somewhat shy) me.

John A.
Received on Wed Jan 17 2001 - 18:15:38 GMT

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