SCreaming RD54 aka Maxtor 2190

From: ajp166 <>
Date: Thu Jan 18 17:41:39 2001

From: Don Maslin <>
>Chuck, if it really is an RD54 - aka Maxtor XT2190 - the motor is
>internal and inaccessible. There is, however, a Priam 519 that has the
>same parameters as the Maxtor, and it has rotating parts external to the
>disk housing. I do not know whether DEC used Priam or not, though.

the likely hood is its a Maxtor XT2190, and yes some are very LOUD.
They do seem to keep working even then. the usual source of the noise
is internal bearing being flatspotted due to shock or the motor really
working hard to spin the platter. Make sure the 12V is!

Received on Thu Jan 18 2001 - 17:41:39 GMT

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