Comments on these RT-11 Books?

From: Brian Harrington <>
Date: Wed Jan 24 19:29:03 2001

--On Wednesday, January 24, 2001 8:39 AM -0600 John Foust
<> wrote:

> At 12:39 AM 1/24/01 -0500, wrote:
>> And has anybody ever seen "A tutorial for using the
>> TERAK/RT-11" by Robert L. Smith?
> Terak? Did someone say Terak? I don't see that on my
> list at
> but it may be in the unsorted piles in the basement,
> uhm, I mean, the Computer Museum. Was it a publication
> that only circulated at a particular university?
> I have RT-11 for the Terak, but only DEC docs and
> perhaps an addendum for the Terakisms.

It was published by Kendall/Hunt, a textbook publisher. Here's a catalog
record for it:

      Personal Author: Smith, Robert L.
                 Title: A tutorial for using the TERAK/RT-11 / Robert L.
               Edition: Prelim. ed.
      Publication info: Dubuque, Iowa : Kendall/Hunt, c1982.
      Physical descrip: 128 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.
               Subject: RT-11 (Computer operating system)
               Subject: TERAK (Computer)--Programming.

I'm going to go ahead and request it through interlibrary loan. I'll let
folks know if I actually get copy.

                             -- Brian

Brian Harrington
Digital Knowledge Center
The Johns Hopkins University
Received on Wed Jan 24 2001 - 19:29:03 GMT

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