These are nice, real nice, but I dont have the space for books. I am sadly offering these up for trade. I hope to make someone happy with these.
Paper covers are intact and all there. Some of these might have a rare "scribbling" in pen or pencil but it's very, very rare.
There are 1 or 2 that need to have the bound page part reglued to the hardcover but a little bit of glue can make these perfect.
Prodos Technical Reference Manual 186 pages Softcover
Apple IIgs ProDos 16 Reference 338 pages Hardcover
Apple IIgs Toolbox Reference Vol.1 Hardcover (700+ pages?)
Apple IIgs Toolbox Reference Vol.2 Hardcover (700 + pages ?)
Apple IIgs Toolbox Reference Vol.3 Softcover (700 + pages ?)
Apple IIgs GS/OS Reference Softcover (500+ pages?)
Programmer's Introduction to the Apple IIgs Hardcover (500+ pages?)
Apple Numerics Manual 295 pages Softcover
Apple IIgs Firmware Reference 328 pages Hardcover
Imagewriter II Tech. Ref. Manual 204 pages Hardcover (not iigs still...)
See a pic at:
Ill throw in if needed...
65816/65802 Ass. Language Programming (Fischer, Osborne/McGraw Hill 679 pages)
Programming the 65816 (Labiak, Sybex 370 pages)
Thats over 35 pounds of books...I guess...
Once again, no money offers please. I am looking for nice systems to add to my 197x-198x early 1990s micros collection.
Canuk Computer Collector
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