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From: Iggy Drougge <>
Date: Sun Jul 1 08:10:17 2001

Ethan Dicks skrev:

>--- Iggy Drougge <> wrote:
>> Ethan Dicks skrev:
>> >--- Bill Pechter <> wrote:
>> >> > My friend is experienced. I only wonder if the card will run without
>> that
>> >> > quasi-SCSI chip.
>> >Probably, but no TK50, then, and no possibility to patch the ROMs and
>> >use the SCSI interface as a real SCSI interface (I've been trying to
>> >get back to that project, but stalled when I realized that I don't have
>> >a map of which byte corresponds to which socket).
>> That would of course be nice, but is there such a patch?

>Yes. I have it, but have yet to get the ROMs in the right sockets.

I went through what seemed like ten thousand MVAX2k pages and not a single
mention of any such thing ever being implemented. This list is truly useful.

>> I'll see if I can sacrifice a Mac on the VAX/Supra altar, but I'm having a
>> hard time justifying the sacrifice of a working machine for a bare-bones
>> (piranha-eaten is a better description =) 0,9 VUP VAX.

>It's not piranha-eaten... you just only have one part out of several
>that makes up a uVAX-2000. The MFM cable isn't impossible to construct -
>the hard part to find is the 60-pin IDC connector. The other end (hard
>disk and floppy) are standard PC components.

Yep, but then comes PSU, and a proper case. I could scrounge together a hard
drive, keyboard and a mouse, could steal a monitor and its cable (assuming
compatibility). Is there always a dormant graphics adaptor on the board,
regardless of whether it's an MVAX or a VS2000, or would that have to be
added, like ethernet?

>Oh, and in reference to your earlier question about "easy", I have never
>seen a uVAX/VS-2000 without added RAM. Some have even been upgraded
>after the fact, leaving a surplus of 2Mb RAM cards. I do not know
>how common the KA410 was in Europe.

Well, this was just a motherboard from a skip, so while upgrade cards might
have been popular, so must the case, PSU, drives and cables have been. And all
that is probably in a garbage dump somewhere now. =/

En ligne avec Thor 2.6a.
 SCSI is *NOT* magic.  There are *fundamental technical
 reasons* why it is necessary to sacrifice a young goat
 to your SCSI chain now and then. -- John Woods
Received on Sun Jul 01 2001 - 08:10:17 BST

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