Floppy woes ...

From: Bill Pechter <pechter_at_bg-tc-ppp1176.monmouth.com>
Date: Tue Jul 3 07:03:40 2001

> Question 1: What the heck is up with loaddskf? Has anybody
> run into problems with it when dealing with raw binary images?
> It's supposed to work ... :-)

I've never used it with anything other than 3 1/2 inch drives.
Perhaps it has a table of drive types it supports...and only
works with them.

The only way to tell is to disassemble it and see.

  Bill Gates is a Persian cat and a monocle away from being a 
  villain in a James Bond movie              -- Dennis Miller 
Received on Tue Jul 03 2001 - 07:03:40 BST

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